Squash, Black Beauty Seeds
Black Beauty is a summer squash with dark green, glossy skin and
a mildly sweet, crisp flavor.
How to Grow Black Beauty Squash
- Latin Name: Cucurbita Pepo
- Annual
- Days to Maturity: 62
- Hardiness Zone: 6-7
- Soil ph: 5.5 to 6.8
- Temperature: Warmer
- Light Preference: Full Sun
- Planting:
- Depth: ½"
- Plant Spacing: 6"
- Row Spacing: 3'
- Pests/Diseases: Bacterial wilt, Cucumber beetles, Squash bugs
- Seed Count:
- 1 oz.- Approximately 230 Seeds
- 4 oz.- Approximately 920 Seeds
- 1 lb.- Approximately 3,680 Seeds
Black Beauty grows quickly and produces well. Water plants at soil level. Squash require moist rich soil.