Parsley, Forest Green Seeds


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Forest Green Parsley is a popular choice for curled parsley. This variety of parsley is heat and drought tolerant. It's non-bitter flavor and finely cut, and curled leaves make it great for both cooking and garnishing dishes. 

How to Grow Forest Green Parsley

  • Latin Name: Petroselinum crispum
  • Days to Maturity: 70- 75
  • Hardiness Zone: 3- 12
  • Soil: Moist, 60+ degrees
  • Temperature: Warmer
  • Light Preference: Full sun
  • Planting:
    • Depth: 1/4"
    • Plant Space: 6"
    • Row Spacing: 12"
  • Pests/disease: Repels Asparagus beetle
  • Seed Count:
    • 1 oz.- Approximately 18,000 Seeds
    • 4 oz.- Approximately 72,000 Seeds
    • 1 lb.- Approximately 288,000 Seeds

Forest Green Parsley is a hardy variety which handles heat, drought and frost well. The long sturdy stems keep the leaves clean and off the ground. A great companion plant, it's strong scent repels asparagus beetles and other pests and attracts various beneficial insects. Once the plant is established you may harvest as needed.