Pepper, Early Jalapeno Seeds
This beautiful green pepper is known for its burst in your mouth flavor and its intense heat. Its juicy and tender consistency makes it great for a side, or sauces.
How to Grow Early Jalapeno Peppers
- Latin Name: Capsicum annuum
- Annual
- Days to Maturity: 72-80
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Soil: Well drained, loose
- Temperature: cooler
- Light Preference: Partial sun and partial shade
- Planting:
- Depth: 1/4"
- Plant Space: 12-18"
- Row Spacing: 24
- Pests/disease: Leaf spots
- Seed Count:
- 1 oz- Approximately 4,300 seeds
- 4 oz- Approximately 17,260 seeds
- 1 lb- Approximately 68,800 seeds
This variety of pepper is well known for being on the hotter end of things when it comes it comes to flavor. Just like many Jalapenos and other peppers this variety is very sensitive to growing temperatures. It is important to remember to keep this plant well watered so it can produce tender fruit. It is best to use steals or cages when planting to support the plant as it continues to grow. This is a prolific plant and may be harvested continuously if well maintained.