Watermelon, Moon and Stars Yellow


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Yellow Moon & Stars Watermelons have a unique yellow flesh with white seeds. The rind is a dark green with star like yellow speckles covering it. This heirloom watermelon variety can weigh up to 25 pounds. The Moon & Stars variety makes a unique addition to any garden.

How to Grow Moon and Stars Yellow Watermelon

  • Latin Name: Citrullus lanatus
  • Annual
  • Days to Maturity: 85-100
  • Hardiness Zone: 3-9
  • Temperature: Warm
  • Light Preference: Full sun
  • Planting:
    • Depth: 1/4"
    • Plant Space: 6'
    • Row Spacing: 8'
  • Pests/disease: Wilt, Black Spot, Sun rot
  • Seed Count:
    • 1oz- Approximately 200 seeds
    • 4oz- Approximately 800 seeds
    • 1lb- Approximately 3,200 seeds

Watermelons need rich soil, sun and lots of space to grow. Once fruit begins to grow on the vines the plant will only require watering if the soil dries out completely. Watermelons are ready to harvest when the small tendril nearest the fruit turns brown and dries out.