Chicory, Catalogna Green Seeds
Chicory greens have long dandelion-like leaves with an asparagus-like flavor. Chicory is a great source of vitamin A, and rich in vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Catalogna greens grow rapidly and are often used as early greens.
How to Grow Catalogna Green Chicory
- Latin Name: Cichorium intybus
- Perennial
- Days to Maturity: 55- 80
- Hardiness Zone: 3-9
- Soil: Ph 6 to 6.5
- Temperature: Warmer
- Light Preference: Partial shade
- Planting:
- Depth: 1/4"
- Plant Space: 8"
- Row Spacing: 2'
- Pests/disease: Aphids, fungus, slugs, snails, flea beetles, cabbage looper
- Seed Count:
- 1/4 oz - Approximately 5,000 Seeds
- 1 oz - Approximately 20,000 Seeds
- 4 oz - Approximately 80,000 Seeds
Leaves are ready for harvest when they reached the preferred size however, chicory tend to be a bit sweeter after a few frosts. In mild climates the catalogna green may even overwinter outdoors.