Zinnia, Scarlet Flame
Grow a pop of vibrant color in your garden with Zinnia, Scarlet Flame. These beautiful blooms are easy to grow and will add a vivid bright red touch to any landscape. Make your garden stand out with these stunning flowers.
How to Grow Scarlet Flame Zinnia
- Latin Name: Zinnia elegans
- Annual
- Days to Maturity: 60-85
- Hardiness Zone: 3-10
- Soil: Well-drained, Rich
- Temperature: Warm
- Light Preference: Full sun
- Planting:
- Depth: 1/4"
- Plant Space: 6"
- Row Spacing: 1-2'
- Pests/disease: aphids, whiteflies, and mealybugs
- Seed Count:
- 1oz- Approximately 4,500 Seeds
- 4oz- Approximately 18,000 Seeds
- 1lb- Approximately 72,000 Seeds
Zinnias attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Zinnias grow best with well-drained soil. Being low maintenance flowers, zinnias are perfect for beginners or children.