Carrot, Nantes Seeds


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A sweet and tender carrot with a small core. An abundant producer that is frost tolerant. Great for bunching. At harvest this will produce roughly 6 inch carrots. The Nantes carrot produce blunt cylindrical seven inch roots that are sweet, tender and coreless. They are ready for harvest in approximately 70 days. This garden crop does best in sandy, well-drained soil.

How to Grow Nantes Carrots

  • Latin Name: Daucus carota subsp. Sativus
  • Annual
  • Days to Maturity: 70
  • Hardiness Zone: 3-9
  • Soil: Ph 5.5- 6.8, sandy
  • Temperature: Warm
  • Light Preference: Full sun
  • Planting:
    • Depth: 1/4"
    • Plant Space: 1"
    • Row Space: 6"
  • Seed Count:
    • 1 oz - Approximately 18,000 Seeds
    • 4 oz - Approximately 72,000 Seeds
    • 1 lb - Approximately 288,000 Seeds

Carrots will grow according to the amount of space they are given. More space equals larger carrots. In addition to plenty of space, carrots need loose, moist soil in order to grow properly and reach their full potential. Due to the carrots tendency to cross pollinate easily with wild carrot varieties as well as your other garden varieties, you must be sure to separate the individual carrot varieties from one another. Onions and herbs are great companions to carrots as they repel pests such as the Carrot Fly and Root Maggot.