Savory Summer Seeds
Summer Savory is a low growing herb with narrow green leaves attached to branch like stems, belonging to the mint family. It boasts a spicy flavor with hints of Mint, Thyme and Marjoram. Summer Savory is used both as a seasoning and for medicinal purposes.
How to Grow Summer Savory
- Latin Name: Satureja hortensis
- Annual
- Days to Maturity: 60
- Hardiness Zone: 1- 11
- Soil: Rich, well drained soil
- Temperature: Warmer
- Light Preference: Full sun
- Planting:
- Depth: 1/4"
- Plant Space: 8"
- Row Spacing: 18"
- Pests/disease: Pest and diseases are rarely an issue
- Seed Count:
- 1 oz.- Approximately 48,000 Seeds
- 4 oz.- Approximately 192,000 Seeds
- 1 lb.- Approximately 768,000 Seeds
Summer Savory tolerates both moist and dry conditions but doesn't do well if soil is heavily saturated.